Monday, 17 June 2013

Durston disc cutting heaven

Well after buying a cheap disc cutter and returning it after one use, i used all my money (and some of my gorgeous husbands) to invest in a durston.
What a revelation, for years my husband has said to me when it comes to tools (he was a hgv mechanic) always buy the best. And i always said i could manage with cheaper.
Well i take it all back, the durston disc cutter cost a little under £200! but has been worth every penny.
I think being able to cut perfect circles helped me no end when it came to inspiration, bizarre though it sounds.
I have been cutting away like a woman possessed and using a lot of gorgeous discs in my latest makes.
Even the washer was made using the cutter, i'm sure many of you have various cutters pepe etc and felt just like this when you first got them. Or maybe i'm a little over excited (who knows?).

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Copper and glass

After a long spell of creative drought i think the rain is finally falling.
Revisiting some cut and etched pieces of copper work, i finally saw what i would like to use them for.
I had recently been to visit my daughter in london and of course had to stop off in a bead shop.
 The ceramic turquoise glazed beads were brought on a whim, but they topped off these earrings perfectly.
One small chip of faux turquoise to tie in the pretty green/blue glass flowers and a final polish and these were ready to show.